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Man with dentures

Hartley Wintney’s denture specialists

For all aspects of denture fitting and repairs, our fully trained team is happy to help. Call Quaintways Cottage Dental Surgery now to book an appointment.

Enjoy the freedom to smile

Whether due to decay or an accident, losing your teeth can be damaging to your confidence. Our full or partial dentures allow you to smile with confidence and enjoy life to the full. Made from acrylic, nylon or metal, we’ll create your dentures to your bespoke requirements and budget. If you’d like to enjoy a full smile and be confident in eating again, book an appointment at our practice in Hartley Wintney today.

Man at dentist
Close up of dentures soaking in glass of water

How do dentures work?

Depending on how many teeth need to be replaced and their position in the mouth, dentures are kept in place by creating a tight seal against your gums, or with the help of adhesives or clips. We’ll take impressions of your mouth so that the dentures created will be the perfect fit for your mouth. You’ll need to remove your dentures regularly to clean them thoroughly, just like normal teeth, but we’ll show you how to do this.

Need a denture repair?

If you’re experiencing any discomfort with your existing dentures, or they have become damaged, book an appointment without dentists as soon as you can. Minor repairs such as small chips or cracks can often be repaired while you wait. For more serious damage, our dental laboratory will take care of the repairs and get them back to you as soon as possible.

Dental practice
Dental technician working on denture

​Call or email our practice in Hartley Wintney to book a denture consultation.

01252 842553

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